The rules governing archery in the Kingdom of Caid are found in the Caid Archery Handbook
Authorization of Archers
All new archers must show that they are safe and are familiar with the Rules of the Line and the Kingdom safety standards of that form. To this end, they must take and pass a two-part authorization. These parts consist of a verbal safety test and a performance safety test. There are two separate performance safety tests, one for Handbows (Recurves and Longbows) and one for Crossbows.
The Verbal Safety Test
The verbal safety test consists of six questions asked to the archer by the authorizing Range Marshal(s). Subjects will include general knowledge relating to safety on the line. The verbal test is a closed book and may be conducted in conjunction with the practical safety test. The authorizing archer may miss no more than one question. If they miss more, the Range Marshal will review the issues with them. They may retake the test right away but with different questions. The authorizing archer should be knowledgeable of information related to safety on the Range and the Caidan Archer’s Handbook before beginning the authorization process. An example Target Archery Safety Authorization Checklist is contained in the Handbook. It is recommended the authorizing Marshal give the prospective archer(s) a brief overview of specifics relating to archery. New archers should have familiarity with subjects that go beyond the scope of the Verbal Safety Test.
Performance Safety Test
The Range Marshal is trying to answer one question about the archer: Will they present a danger to themselves or others on the field? If the answer is NO, in general, they should be authorized. The performance safety test is NOT a test of ability. The test is one of safety. The only participants necessary for the safety test are the archer and the authorizing Range Marshal. Any warranted Range Marshal can perform authorizations. The archer should demonstrate that he/she is familiar with the safe and proper way to handle the form being authorized in. The archer should be able to string the bow in a safe manner (and is not necessary for crossbows), stringers may be used. The archer should demonstrate the procedure for checking the integrity and safety of their equipment. The archer should demonstrate familiarity with the pre-shoot inspection requirements for their equipment.
The shooting portion of the test shall consist of at least two (2) ends of six arrows each, at 20 yards, and at least one (1) speed end of 30 seconds at 20 yards. The archer must be able to handle his/her equipment with safety and not become flustered during the speed round. At the discretion of the Range Marshal, an archer who regularly practices with a territorial group and whose ability has been observed on numerous occasions by the authorizing Marshal may not have to complete the performance authorization in its entirety.
Authorizations are not required to participate in a practice. However, they are required to compete in tournaments. All Archers must show valid, unexpired proof of authorization to be able to compete. All authorizations for target archery must be held at an SCA event (this includes published practices).
Youth Authorizations
Youth may authorize in archery as long as they are strong enough to handle the equipment and can do so safely. Youth will be authorized in a similar format to adults, with a verbal and practical safety. Youth do not complete the speed end portion of the practical as they do not compete in speed ends. Parents of a youth archer must also understand the safety of the Range and must give consent for their child to participate. Range Marshals may elect to ask parents questions regarding safety on the Range and their child’s capacity to follow the rules of the line. Note that there is no age limit as it is based on the comprehension and ability of each Youth. The maximum bow weight for Youth is 35 lbs.
All authorizations are issued for a period of up to, but not exceeding, four (4) years. Authorizations will expire on the participant’s date of birth. For additional information concerning Reauthorizations, please see Archer’s Handbook.
Authorization Cards (White Cards)
The authorizing Marshal shall either sign off on an existing authorization card or obtain a new card for each authorized archer. For additional information regarding the authorization card and related paperwork, please see the Archer’s Handbook.