The Open Division includes all hand bows such as longbows, take down bows, recurves, and take down recurves. It excludes modern compound bows.
The Period Division includes bows modeled after those used before 1650. Archers must use self nocked arrows and shot them off the hand.
The Open Crossbow Division includes all crossbows except those with compound prods.
The Period Crossbow Division includes those crossbows that, in form and function, replicate those made before 1650.
The Youth division is open to those who are 14 years of age or younger. There are no crossbows in the Junior Division. Upon turning 18, a Junior Division Archer must shoot as an adult.
A royal round consists of six arrows shot at 20 yards (not timed), six arrows shot at 30 yards (not timed), six arrows shot at 40 yards (not timed) and a timed speed round at 20 yards with as many arrows as can be safely loosed in 30 seconds. A royal round is shot at standard FITA 60 cm target. Arrows that hit gold are given 5 points, red-4 points, blue-3 points, black-2 points and white-1 point. Arrows that touch the dividing lines between the rings are counted for the higher score.
An archer may achieve separate ranks in different division. A rank, once achieved, is never lost. Junior Archers use the average of their highest Junior Royal Round scores.
The scores for each rank are as follows:
Score Rank Junior Division Rank
0-24 Novice Junior Novice
25-44 Bowman Junior Bowman
45-64 Yeoman Junior Yeoman
65-84 Forrester Junior Forester
85-104 Bowmaster Junior Bowmaster
[105+ Royal Bowmaster Junior Royal Bowmaster

The shooting for Rank is usually done at individual practices or at events.